Vietnamese bride - submissive princess, with whom you will find happiness!
Finding a life partner and creating a strong family is a dream not only for girls, but also for men. If it is time for you to think about such a serious step, then you need to look closely not only at the girls from your hometown. Perhaps your other half lives in another corner of the globe. But for happiness there are no obstacles or distances in kilometers. You do not need to accept the fact that many women are only interested in the size of the salary from men. Otherwise, you risk working all your life for the maintenance of the family and not to receive in return anything but the beauty of the chosen one. Men want that girl be smart, beautiful, docile and economic. Do not guess where to find her? Of course, in Vietnam! In last few years the percentage of vietnamese females who marry foreigners has increased. This is easily explained:
- Vietnamese brides want to live in civilization, not in the lost villages in mountains;
- The ratio of men and women in the country is 3: 5 (the reason for inequality lies in the protracted wars that destroyed the nation’s gene pool);
- Vietnamese girls are ready to work and do not dream of a luxurious penthouse;
- They are well educated, have excellent character;
- Hot vietnamese are real beauties (of all the Asian peoples, they are the most beautiful and regularly enter the top 10 girls at international beauty contests);
- They are grateful to their husbands and are not spoiled.
As you can see, vietnamese mail order brides have many advantages. And there is only one drawback - the language barrier. But for the sake of great love this problem can be solved!
What are Vietnamese brides look like?
Vietnamese brides are very beautiful. In addition to stunning proportions and pretty faces, they have physical and mental health. Every year girls take part in beauty contests and take places in the top ten. What prevents them from becoming the owners of the crown? Everything is very simple. They cannot climb to the top due to weak pre-competition preparation.
Surprisingly, vietnamese wives almost never get old. With age their appearance is very weak. Sometimes you will think that a 20 years old girl is walking down the street, but in reality this is a 40 years old mother of three children. Vietnam is a country where fat women are extremely rare.
They do not like to put on the face a few layers of makeup and always be in war paint. Ginseng cream is very popular. Also girls spend a lot of time and effort on hair care. They comb their hair 3 times a day, rubbing decoctions of medicinal herbs. The East is a delicate matter, so every girl here knows hundreds of recipes for the preparation of masks.
Vietnamese woman for marriage are different. Provincial peasant women have a dark skin. Urban women are pale. The life of the Vietnamese peasant women is quite complicated. They work in the fields, collecting 2-3 rice crops per year. Each rice shoot provides no more than 20 grains. Just imagine how much work, patience and soul of the Vietnamese people are concentrated in a bowl of rice. Despite the hard work, these girls dream of a strong man near them and a quiet comfort in their own home. They become beautiful wives and caring mothers.

Vietnamese women have an incredibly beautiful smile. But do not think that they sincerely smile when they feel good. Even if they are depressed and distressed, they will not serve the sight. Perhaps this is another secret of youth.
You will be surprised, but once the symbol of beauty in women was considered the black color of teeth. A special procedure, the blackening of teeth from medicinal herbs and palm leaves, was common among the peoples of East and Southeast Asia, from Japan to Malaysia, including southern China. This mixture was applied to the teeth in the evening, at night it was changed to a new one. Women had to lie all night with open mouth, that their teeth had first got a red color. In the morning the paint was fixed, and its remnants were washed off with vegetable dye of fish vinegar. Women waited for the second final stage of tooth staining after 2 weeks, when a plant-derived powder was applied to the teeth. Since the 20s of the 20th century tooth staining has ceased to be common, and the ideals of beauty have changed.
When traveling to Vietnam, you will realize that the hairstyles of local women differ depending on the region of the country. For example, in the north, girls prefer to braid their braids with ribbons and lay them in circles on their crown. Women from the south collect hair on the back of their heads, using all sorts of jewelry.
You'd be surprised, but by the hairstyle of some nations you can understand if a girl is married or not. The hair lying on the shoulders is unmarried, and the hair in the bundle at the top is married.
Family life with a Vietnamese wife
Under the NRT Constitution, men and women have equal rights, but the traditions and culture of Vietnam assign women to a subordinate position. The moral of Confucius prescribes a girl to listen to her father, husband, son. For example, a girl can sit down to eat when she provided food to all men in her home. With such obedience, girls are incredibly strong in spirit. They spend time on very hard male jobs: on buildings, road pads, salt digestion, rice fields. At the same time Vietnamese men can enjoy rest at home, waiting for their wife. Now do you understand why in our agency there are many real-life questionnaires vietnamese mail order brides who dream of marrying a foreign man?

There will be no disagreement in the family. Vietnamese wives even speak quietly. This tradition is almost never changed, therefore you will definitely not see any scandals. Vietnamese brides adore their children, they invest their whole soul in the upbringing and development of babies, are well watching them and do not need the services of nannies and housekeepers. In the apartment of such a hostess is always clean and tidy, and the food is cooked. Every evening from work you will be greeted by a smiling and beautiful spouse. Even if she is very tired, she will always listen to you and help you with advice. She will not leave you alone with problems and will always be near you. Even the smallest gift will be perceived as something special and very important.
Strange things that await you when meeting a Vietnamese bride
Vietnam is an amazing country, so we perfectly understand your excitement. It is quite reasonable in the event that you arrange a date with the vietnam bride in her homeland.
- If you do not pull up your knowledge in the language, the girl will nod her head in the affirmative at all your questions, but in fact she will not understand you. The solution to the problem is an online translator. If fate turns out so that your feelings will be mutual and you will be ready for a relationship, then the language barrier will surely be overcome.
- In the local cafe you can find trash, especially if the cafe is located on the street. Here the service is not so good that the garbage is immediately removed. In the north of Vietnam, this problem is solved by the presence of a bucket under each table. In the more expensive restaurants in the tourist area you will not see the dirt. It is beautiful, tasty, attractive and cheap.
- Locals in the north eat dogs, rats, frogs and insects. At first you may feel disgusted, but still try these delicacies! Here you can even taste the crocodile or the snake.
- If you are tall, then in any cafe you will encounter some difficulties. The chairs here are quite miniature, since the native vietnamese people are short in stature.
- Even if you order coffee, you still get free iced tea as a gift. This is a national tradition.
- Right on the sidewalk cabbage leaves, noodles and other products can be dried.
- Driving on the road seems too active. Don`t understand how to cross the street? Just go slowly and confidently, motorbikes will drive you around smoothly. You can also raise your hand and go. This gesture means asking to slow down and skip you.
- Most Vietnamese swim in their clothes in the morning at dawn or in the evening at sunset. During the day the sea is empty. We have already said that for vietnamese girls white skin is the standard of beauty. Almost all stores sell special closed swimsuits with long sleeves and shorts. Also many people swim in their clothes. You will see quite a few fashionable girls who want to look in European-style, so they don`t tan in clothes.
Residents of the country carefully protect themselves from the sun's rays, not only on the beach. If a vietnamese girl comes on a date in closed clothes, and people in closed shoes and masks walk on the streets, then do not think that this is a terrible epidemic in the city. Masks protect faces from the sun and dust when riding a bike. Argued that the Vietnamese people are trying to keep their skin white to show society that they have a prestigious job "not in the fields." But in general, protection from the sun can be understood. Vietnamese females do everything to look young even in old age and not have wrinkles.

The main myth about vietnamese mail order brides
If you have already thought about acquaintance with vietnamese woman for marriage and have already searched for information on the Internet, you could see a scandalous words on the world wide web: “Buy a wife from Vietnam for only $ 6,000. Guaranteed virginity, guaranteed delivery within 90 days, no additional expenses, if you lose a bride, you are guaranteed to be given another girl for free.” On this poster are sitting in a row vietnamese girls. Active bloggers immediately responded to such a statement and began to talk in many forums about the real slavery in the country.
In fact - this is an exaggeration. There is no slavery. The origin of this poster is still unknown. Perhaps the girls themselves decided to make show, and perhaps this is a publicity stunt from marriage agencies in Vietnam. It should be noted that the advertising campaign really worked, because men began to look actively for vietnamese brides online.
As you already understood, to buy a wife from Vietnam is impossible. It can be “bought” for a few dinners in a restaurant, “budget” gifts and ordinary surprises for relatives. These girls are not completely spoiled by the attention of men, so they quickly fall in love!

- Last updated: 10 Oct 2019
- Author: AAbrides