The Baltic Attractiveness of Estonian Brides
Most men searching for a mail order bride concentrate on far-away exotic countries. As a result, they face such huge differences in culture, language, upbringing, and worldview, that living together as a family becomes a real nightmare. Not to experience such a shock, American men had better aim at Eastern European countries. Women from these countries are not only family-oriented and well-mannered but also have much in common with Western culture. Estonian women are just of that type. Most probably you have heard much of the unique beauty of these brides. This country is indeed the homeland of many models known all over the world. Surely, this doesn't mean all Estonian babes you will find in a dating site are models. Yet, most of them are amazingly beautiful and sexually appealing. Moreover, all of them have that unique charm peculiar only to Baltic women. Once you have a look at the profiles, you will get assured yourself. Despite having long winters and very short summers, Estonian ladies are warm-hearted and can keep any man warm, especially when night comes. That's what blows men's mind away - how such ice queens (they mostly look like ice queens due to their platinum blond hair, light complexion, and blue/grey eyes) can be so hot! Just like Estonia is a hidden gem, its women are little treasures you need to discover and win.
Discovering an Estonian Bride
Estonian brides have recently become very popular among foreign grooms and this is not for no reason. Starting with their heavenly beauty and ending with their high family values, Estonian mail order brides have multiple merits to win a foreign husband's heart. Particularly which? Here are their most attractive features:
- Their Beauty
An Estonian woman can look anything you imagine yet always catches the eye with her exceptional charm. Even though a typical girl here is a slender, blonde, blue-eyed goddess, women in this country differ drastically. It's natural since they form an interesting blend of Slav, Scandinavian, and German features. In all cases, you can't but fall in love with any of them the moment you see them.
- Reserved Nature
By nature, beautiful Estonian women are quite reserved. Generally, Estonian people are quiet people. This doesn't indicate any shines. On the contrary, Estonians are direct in communication and will say what they consider right. If dating an American woman is as easy as ABC, dating Estonian women is a real challenge. To succeed in it, take the initiative. Be the gentleman and let your Estonian wife be your lady.
- High Sense of Discipline
Hot Estonian girls are a puzzle. They are somewhere in the middle between disciplined ladies and hot things. Behind the tough and emotionally unresponsive appearance, you will soon discover a real volcano. However, with a born high sense of discipline, Estonian singles are ideal companions for men in their meetings.
- Self-Reliance

Estonian people have been forced to withstand not only harsh weather conditions but also foreign oppressors for centuries. This has made them strong and self-reliant. Just as men, women here, too are used to pave their way up themselves, leaning exceptionally on their abilities, talent, and diligence. Accordingly, an Estonian woman will always be able to take of herself and her family if necessary.
- Cautious and Sincere
Estonian people are generally very cautious. When dealing with an Estonian bride, be utmost attentive with what you speak or what you do. If you appear suspicious, she won't listen to your explanations but will eliminate you from her life on the spot.
If you expect praise from your Estonian bride on how handsome you are, or what a good husband you are, just don't, you won't get that. Estonian people are extremely frugal when it comes to praise. These women are very sincere and do never exaggerate or distort reality. And if she says "I love you" she means it.
Communicating with Estonian Mail Order Brides
The official language in Estonia is, obviously, Estonian. However, English here is widely spoken. Actually, an American man can live here without speaking a word in Estonian. Nearly everyone here understands English and won't look at you as a stranger. This refers mainly to larger city inhabitants. Moreover, even if you try to learn Estonian, you may not succeed. First, it's quite a hard language to learn. And secondly, Estonians won't let you distort their language in the process of learning.

Once they hear your horrible Estonian pronunciation (and believe, it will be horrible), they will instantly switch to English forcing you the same.
In smaller cities or rural areas, where people mostly use Russian, English is not as common as you might expect. Yet you needn't worry since the younger generations speak English fluently and you will hardly need to communicate with the older generations.
All these communication tips refer to those who are going to travel straight to Estonia and fetch their Estonian female. As long as you are communicating with an Estonian bride through a dating agency, you will have translation services at your disposal if necessary. Depending on the service, these services might be free of charge or provided at a certain cost.
Developing Relationships with Estonian Mail Order Brides
When comparing dating in Estonia with that in America, you will witness limitless differences. The context of friendship here drastically differs from that of relationships. If you are not ready to all this, you may face misunderstandings and hardships. The core of all this is their culture, their traditions. They are much different from what you are used to there in the West. And not to experience any awkwardness, here are several points to take into considerations:
- Chivalry
As you have already been informed, women in Estonia are quite independent and self-reliant. However, they still expect chivalry from men. This doesn't only refer to opening doors for her or paying restaurant bills. Once you take the leads in your relationships (making plans, determining how fast to move in your relationships), expect her to follow you unconditionally.
- Traditional Values
Once you start dating an Estonian woman, the first thing you will notice (of course after how beautiful she is) is her traditional approach to your relationships. Don't expect your Estonian pretty bride to jump into bed with you right in your first date. Most Estonian women aren't after one night stands with foreign men. They need some sort of stability, to be sure they can rely on their partner to let him closer.
Among Estonian mail order brides, you will also meet those saving themselves for their husbands. In such cases, you should respect her decision and not rush things. Either you will realize she is your destiny and marry her, or you will eventually have to cease your relationships and let her go.
- Living with an Estonian Wife
Estonian brides are very caring when the matter refers to their families. Particularly this feature makes them great wives. They witness what good wives their mothers are and want to become not worse. Traditional values are a great selling point when looking for a wife, after all. In Estonian culture, a man has nothing to do with household chores. A family man is expected to earn the living, do house repairs and plan vacations.

Tips for Dating Estonian Brides
Estonian mail order brides are picturesque, intelligent, caring and interesting. For Estonian women, marriage is important as long as they have good husbands. To become one, you need to have the right approach. Here are several handy dating tips:
- Appetizing Food
Once you travel to Estonia to fetch your Estonian bride, be cautious not to lose yourself in food. Estonian food is so delicious that you can easily get lost in the diversity of tastes and smells. That's not fast food like in your motherland, but the food there is far not always healthy, either. It's so easy to gain weight there and lose your body forms.
- Be in Good Fit
When you review the catalogs of Estonian mail order brides, you will see slender girls in a good fit. All Estonians, both men and women love going to the gym. The same is expected of you. Don't become a fat man with a tummy, or you will lose your charming sexy wife.
- Be Interesting
To be an interesting interlocutor is a must if you want to allure an Estonian bride. Prepare some interesting stories about your life and homeland to entertain your girlfriend. This doesn't mean you must be a showman. Telling an interesting story or two about your life in America will be thoroughly enough.

- Last updated: 10 Oct 2019
- Author: AAbrides