Why Eastern European Brides Are Best Brides
Eastern European mail-order brides combine stunning beauty and femininity with extraordinary intelligence and wittiness. As wives and mothers, they are exceptionally loving and caring, while their extraordinary natural appeal preserves for decades into marriage. Many Western men consider Eastern European mail-order brides to be the icon of female beauty due to their slender stature, charming blue eyes, perfectly smooth skin, and long, lustrous hair. Have you considered the idea of marrying one of these Eastern European beauties? If you dream of a happy married life with a gorgeous, smart, and charming lady, an Eastern European bride is a great choice for you.
Women from Eastern Europe are known for their faithfulness, bright personalities, and respectful attitude, not to mention their remarkable beauty. If you're thinking of starting a relationship with an Eastern European girl, you might wonder why mail-order brides look for husbands abroad, which countries you should visit for a chance at finding your soulmate, and what to expect at the early stages of dating. In this article, we'll give detailed answers to all these questions – and also review and debunk some of the notorious stereotypes about Slavic girls. If marrying a wonderful lady and starting a family are among your life goals, read on, since Eastern European women make the most amazing mothers, wives and life partners.
4 Reasons Why Eastern European Women Marry Foreigners

- Lifestyle. It is a known fact that the quality of life in the countries of the former Soviet space compares poorly to that in Western Europe and North America. Emigrating in search of a better life is the logical step for everyone who isn't happy about this situation. Many Eastern European women are concerned about the wellbeing of their families. Wanting the best possible life for their future children, they look for foreign men to marry.
- Excitement. Eastern European women are known for their adventurous spirit, and they see the pursuit of a foreign man for marriage as a thrilling endeavor. Besides, a lot of Slavic girls take a genuine interest in Western culture and find it fun to communicate with Western men, comparing their worldviews. Quite often, such an intercultural friendship transforms into a strong, long-lasting relationship.
- Love. Women from Eastern Europe are romantic and have an idealized image of their future wedding and family life. Most of them believe in soulmates and strive to find their “other half” who will make them whole. With such an outlook on dating, it would be unreasonable to limit your chances geographically to the space within the borders of a single country. The present-day technologies allow Eastern European singles to look for husbands abroad. For those who are looking for true love and a happy and harmonious married life, it would be a shame to waste such a glorious opportunity.
- Values. Eastern European women often cannot find decent suitors among local men. A great portion of Slavic men do not cherish their ladies or treat them like princesses. Upon getting acquainted with the Western dating culture, Eastern European girls rightfully prefer the Western standard of romantic relationships. They simply want to be treated with due respect and admired not only for their gorgeous physical appearance but also for their quick wits and bright personality.
In Which Countries To Look For Eastern European Brides?
- Russia. Mail-order brides from this country are among the most sought-after in the world. Its territory is truly enormous, which is why Russian dating agencies offer not only mail-order brides of the traditional Eastern European features – thin, blonde, and blue-eyed – but also more exotic types that have an Asian look to them. If you visit Russia as part of your dating tour, make sure your trip is not limited to just one region.
- Romania. In terms of appearance and personality, Romanian mail-order brides are more exotic than other Slavic girls. Hot Romanian ladies you can meet online are more temperamental and resemble Italian or Spanish women. Prioritizing family above everything else, a Romanian wife goes out of her way to make sure her husband and children feel comfortable and loved.
- Poland. This country could belong to both Eastern and Western Europe, which has affected the local culture and mentality, making them distinct from other Slavic countries. Polish women are both gorgeous-looking and quick-witted. A prominent attribute of a Polish girl is her femininity, which she cherishes and emphasizes with the help of outfits, hairstyles, and makeup. While her husband and kids are the top priority for a Polish wife, she is ready and willing to find a balance between her family life and her professional career.

- Ukraine. Local women possess a truly unique combination of sex appeal, bright personality, quick wits, and self-sufficiency. Their outlook on the world and its issues inspires curiosity and interest. You'll greatly enjoy discussing your favorite topic with Ukrainian women, the more so most of them speak English with a decent degree of fluency. Another fact that works in your favor is that Eastern European mail-order brides from Ukraine are particularly interested in and welcoming of relationships with foreigners.
- Lithuania. When you meet a Lithuanian bride, you'll be mesmerized by her stunning beauty and charmed by her quick-witted intelligence. A woman from Lithuania makes an amazing life partner to any Western man. She is prepared to make sacrifices for the benefit of her family. But she won't give up on self-improvement and let herself go. Even years into marriage, a Lithuanian wife will pursue personal development to remain attractive to her husband both physically and intellectually.
Busting The Widespread Myths About Eastern European Women
The popularity of Eastern European mail-order brides has given rise to a lot of myths and stereotypes. While they may be based on the negative experiences of some users of the services of mail-order bride agencies, it's unfair to apply such a false oversimplified image to all girls from Eastern Europe. Let's debunk the most common false stereotypes.
- Shallow? No. Apparently, the false stereotypes about Eastern European babes being shallow and only caring about their looks stems from how they compare to Western women. Indisputably, Slavic girls devote time and effort to exercising and personal care routines. They put together elegant and feminine outfits and wear high heels more often than not. But is there anything wrong about wishing to look your best for your partner? Besides, the beautiful appearance of Eastern European girls is complemented by bright and engaging personalities.
- Cold and distraught? No. This myth might have been produced by someone used to Latina women and their boiling-hot temper. Eastern European women may indeed seem more reserved in this comparison. But they simply have a different mentality that envisages a different way of expressing emotions. Eastern European wives radiate the vibes of positivity and shower their husbands and children with love.
- Gold-diggers? No. Sadly, many Western European and American men believe the myth about Eastern European mail-order brides being nothing but gold-diggers. A common stereotype is that women from this region who search for foreign husbands are interested only in improving their financial situation. While you might indeed encounter such a woman if you're unlucky, the majority of Eastern European mail-order brides are looking for sincere affection and will not enter a deliberately loveless marriage for the sake of money. Pursuing a relationship with a foreign man, they are interested not only in ensuring a higher quality of life for their future children but also in expanding their cultural horizons and building a strong relationship with a loving and supportive partner.
- Jobless? No. It is a somewhat widespread stereotype that Eastern European women have no career aspirations whatsoever and only wait for a wealthy man to marry. Truth be told, women of this type can be encountered in any country of the world. But many Eastern European model-looking ladies are not only beautiful but also smart, knowledgeable, and educated. They often start working in their first years of college and are fully capable of providing for themselves. Not feeling fully dependent on the man is important for them in a relationship.
- Desperate to emigrate? No. An opportunity to emigrate to a Western country is not among the main reasons for an Eastern European woman to marry a foreigner. The situation is often the opposite: the lady has a hard time leaving her homeland behind and making a leap of faith into the less known culture and lifestyle. However, once she falls in love with you and receives a marriage proposal, she'll come to live with you abroad, as the power of an Eastern European woman's feelings should not be underestimated.
- Uneducated? No. The promotion of education among women has been a huge trend in both Asia and Eastern Europe. It is not uncommon for an Eastern European mail-order bride to have a university degree as high as Master's, or even two such degrees in different fields. Hot European women are hard-working by nature and ready to pursue gainful employment if it's needed for the wellbeing of the family. A pleasant concomitant of your Eastern European girlfriend's high level of education is her ability to keep any conversation going.
- Dependent? No. Long gone are the days when women were fully depended on their husbands. There is no area of life that an Eastern European lady couldn't handle without a man's help. Their pursuit of a family life full of love and happiness is what motivates them to look for a foreign husband.

Dating An Eastern European Woman: What To Expect
- Full commitment. Sparking a pretty Eastern European girl's interest is not an easy task, but once you've caught her attention, you can expect her to get crazy attracted to you. Playing mind games, such as pretending unattainable is atypical of Eastern European women for marriage, which makes them stand out in comparison with Western (in particular, American) ladies. When she begins to catch feelings, it will be not only obvious but also explicitly stated. An Eastern European girl is forever faithful to her man, giving him all her heart and soul.
- High expectations. All men in the life of an Eastern European woman's life treat her like a princess, and she will not accept anything less. Her father, brothers, and all other men in her family are very protective of their little girl. In every relationship with a local man, she was showered with attention in the most lavish manner. That's why if you decide to date an Eastern European woman, you should be prepared to meet her high expectations as her partner. If you fail to put sufficient effort into building your relationship up, she will notice it immediately. If you do not feel a strong connection, your girlfriend will instantly sense it. An Eastern European lady won't settle for a man who isn't head over heels in love with her.
- Second chances. Despite the high level of expectations, your Eastern European girlfriend will be willing to give you a second chance. If she's not entirely satisfied with your relationship, she won't be shy to voice her concerns. Provided that she's fallen for you hard, she'll be prepared to wait for you to step up and change your ways as her partner. She's patient and persistent, but she's not a doormat. An Eastern European lady won't tolerate a boyfriend who's willing to abuse her trust. And once she's gone, you can never have her back.
- Great chemistry. When in a relationship, Eastern European women are usually open about their feelings. You won't have to date her for long to know whether or not you two can share a future. If you feel the chemistry and fall for the irresistible sex appeal and charming personality of your Eastern European lady, in only a few months of dating you'll feel ready to propose and make her your wife. To men used to dating Western girls (who are quite skilled at mind games), a relationship with an Eastern European woman can be incredibly refreshing. Slavic ladies do not waste time, so she will let you know if she sees you as marriage material.

- Last updated: 10 Oct 2019
- Author: AAbrides