It’s impossible to look at Georgian brides without admiration. Can you find more perfect and aristocratic face features or more graceful and flexible bodies? The amazing beauty of these women is known to prevent Mohammed from coming to Georgia. These ladies seem to be created just for falling in love and fascinating others with their spells.
The breath-taking beauty of Georgian women
The astonishing external charm of brides from Georgia is visible to the naked eye. First of all, it’s due to thick and voluminous hair. It’s very dark like the blackest Turkish coffee (it’s the most popular drink in Tbilisi), sometimes rich chestnut and much less often it’s dyed light. Beautiful Georgian women care about their hair and always keep it well-groomed and silky. That’s a real gift of nature.
Secondly, the fantastic eyes. In western Georgia, they are often light and range from the color of blue sky of the mountains to various shades of green. Velvet-brown and honey eyes are peculiar mostly to those who was born in the eastern part of the country. But whatever the shade, the look of Georgian brides penetrates the soul deeply.
Another feature of a typical Tbilisi bride is thick, long and sharp cut eyebrows which seem to emphasize her strong-willed character. These Georgian eyebrows can make each European woman jealous!

The brides from the Western world get used to makeup, but pretty Georgian ladies just don’t need a great amount of cosmetics. Apart from thick eyebrows that are in trend now and hair that doesn’t require rollers, Georgian women have a naturally triangular oval face and express cheekbones.
The lips of these ladies are intrinsically saturated, and their hands are extremely subtle and graceful. Having such a great appearance, a Georgian bride does not need to overload her face with cosmetics and complement her image with a lot of jewelry. It’s sufficient to touch up her lips with a lipstick of Saperavi hue (a garnet-colored wine) or Kindzmarauli shade (a color of overripe cherries). If Georgia bride wants to overawe somebody with her look, all she has to do is to use dark eyeshadow and lay some mascara on her eyelashes. The rest will be done by natural charisma of this bride.
Women from Georgia as embodiment of charm
The main muse of all artists and poets of this country is Tamar the Great. She was called the vessel of wisdom, the smiling sun and the sky angel. There were legends about the perfection of this Georgian lady and they came down to our time. The Byzantine princes and the Shah of Persia sought the Tamar’s hand in marriage.
Due to her diligence and wisdom, Tamar was one of the exemplary rulers. Beauty and charm of this Georgian queen were universally admired and revered. She sat on the throne, conducted affairs of state, received ambassadors, played with her two children, accompanied her husband to war and found some time, like any other woman, for spinning and sewing. The mountaineers ranked Tamar to the saints.
What is the view of life of Georgian women?
In a patriarchal Georgian world established by a centuries convention, female members of society were always given the passive role. The principle “Man is a breadwinner and woman is a preserver of the hearth” was dominant in Georgia for many years. The functions of ladies included caring for house, husband and children. It has always been routine, tedious and exhaustible work - feeding, wiping tears, doing all the washing etc.
Georgian family values
Even today, complete patriarchy reigns in the vast majority of Georgian houses. A wife is lucky enough if her husband is “the eldest child” in the family. According to the Georgian customs, a younger son must live with his parents even after marrying a bride. In such a case, a spouse should implicitly obey to her husband and mother-in-law who plays a role of the senior hostess.
Historically, Georgian women carry the weight of household solutions on their fragile shoulders. In mountain villages of Georgia, each family has a lot to take care of. The function of a man is to work and earn money for his home folks. Georgian husbands would never help their wives about the house.
With any exception, all Georgian ladies are excellent housewives. Many families in the modern cities choose the European lifestyle. But even in this case, it’s a real shame for a Georgian mother if her daughter doesn’t know how to cook the national dishes and is not able to take care of the house.
Today, all Georgian brides receive secondary education. Urban women often study in institutes. Georgian ladies pay special attention to the home education of children. Young brides are notable for their pride, high morality, incredible love for motherland and own family. In this country, family values are respected. Georgian women for marriage may seem gentle and soft, but most of them have incredible fortitude and a steel character.
Rules of decorum
According to Georgian customs, it’s improper to look directly into the eyes of strangers. Such behaviour is considered to be insolent. Therefore, many Georgian brides can look “through” people. That’s regarded as an acceptable way of visual communication. During a conversation, there should be at least 1 meter between two Georgian interlocutors. Only close relatives or good friends can approach closer.
Marriage rites
Most Georgian brides get married in a young age. In some regions of the country, an ancient custom of kidnapping a girl for marriage is still common. Yet, bride and groom enter the alliance by mutual consent and there’s an agreement between the newlyweds. Young Georgian girls should be modest and chaste. They are recommended to behave so that none of the neighbours could ever think of something dirty. For most Georgian mail order brides a successful marriage is a priority. This means that she would think of her reputation from her youth.
Georgian wedding is a special event. People prepare for such a celebrating beforehand and invite all the relatives and friends. Nowadays, even in large cities they observe this tradition. Wedding in Georgia is very colorful and interesting, and it comes with many dances and songs, beautiful short speeches and the atmosphere of the common fun.
Character first, then the clothing
Georgian brides don’t try to dress up and preen themselves. They know who they are and are aware of their virtues and shortcomings. Hiding it or being ashamed of it is not peculiar to a Georgian woman.
The Georgian bride is always well-groomed, her skin and fingernails are in order, her hair is always clean. Her appearance attracts attention wherever she goes. Still, Georgia country women have their own rules. These ladies put premium on character, and clothing is a secondary thing to them. If you judge Georgian bride by what she wears, you may be mistaken. That’s her beauty. Georgian bride is inwardly free and never pretends.
Mode of dressing
Tbilisi Georgian women have always had an impeccable taste in clothes. Just look at the national costume of this country. It’s quite simple and has soft tones; at the same time it’s elegant and stylish. In Soviet time it was almost impossible to get beautiful things, but Georgian ladies managed to find fashion magazines, drafted patterns and made clothing. Films featuring Western style icons also served as sources of inspiration.
Nowadays, Georgian brides dress in quite a simple way but almost all of them look stylish and very neat. These women would never put on vulgar knitted blouses, variegated colors and any kind of defiant things.
Georgian style

In the world of fashion, Georgian brides have their own preferences. First of all, it’s absolute favor of black color when selecting clothes. Georgians are good at using Total black and know that it looks appropriate almost always. However, this color doesn’t just emphasize the appearance of these girls, and it’s not a mere fashion statement. It’s a conscious choice that has deep historical roots.
The love of these brides for black color can be explained by the centuries-old history of their country. The Georgian people, who have experienced countless wars, feel comfortable in black.
An important feature of Georgian women is a wish to emphasize their individuality. These girls like to be second to none. They are always looking for some unique things. Historical jewelry sold at vintage markets, mother’s and grandmother’s dresses in old bins - that’s what Georgian ladies really like. If these brides buy something in a store, they try to wear that thing in an individual way. They would wear a jacket over one shoulder or put on a hoodie wrong side foremost.
Even the ascetical black color is completed with bright details such as jewelry, perfect makeup and a lovely handbag. Casual or elegant image of a Georgian bride can be shiny but there will always be have some strict piece for neutralizing and balancing it.
The femininity of hot Georgian women
The brides in this country don’t wear too short skirts or a sleeveless with too deep neckline. However, they open their shoulders and backs, walk on high heels or wear mesh pantyhose under a midi skirt. In the western part of Georgia, in Batumi, ladies wear bright colors and open outfits in summertime, but this is rather an exception.
The femininity of a Georgian girl is quite soft and refined and bears an impress of a retro style. That’s why it’s so attractive. This is important, for nowadays, it’s easy to confuse the feminine image of a guy with a masculine style of a girl.
Hair and makeup
Georgian brides are naturally very beautiful women with the ideal skin, thick hair and bright facial features. Therefore, they do not even need to thumb a catalog with decorative cosmetics like the most girls do. However, the skin ages quite quickly under the scorching Georgian sun and fades away without a proper care. Fortunately, a great number of beauty salons and agencies have appeared recently. Young Georgian brides put on makeup, do manicures, pedicures and fashionable haircuts not without a pleasure!

How to make an online acquaintance with a Georgian single?
It’s not easy to answer this question. In all countries, each girl is different. You should choose the most effective ways of the online dating based on the personality of a bride.
Business woman
In Georgia, it’s still a rare kind of a bride. She’s smart, hard-working and quite educated. Her selfconsciousness depends neither on the length of her legs, nor on the volume of her breast. This Georgian bride is attractive because she’s always well-groomed and fit. Despite of the tight schedule, she can find time for yoga or swimming, since health is important for her.
This Georgian bride is never afraid of experimenting with styles. She always hopes to find a smart and successful man for a strong family relationship. However, she would never lean on him with all her body, just with her hand. If he moves away, she will stay on her feet. You need to be patient to conquer such Georgian bride. Try to use emails, web chat and phone conversations.
Artistic personality
This single Georgian lady is otherworldly, in the best sense of the word. Original ideas, peculiar view of things... She dresses inconspicuously and scarcely uses makeup. This Georgian bride doesn’t put a premium on her appearance but she has an extraordinary aura and attraction. She can be a patient and considerate friend. Being in companies, this girl behaves simply and discretely, but she doesn’t let everyone into her world. This type of a Georgian bride needs a special approach. It’s desirable to act creatively using live games and virtual gifts.
Rural lady
She’s a fairy from a tale, with her thick hair and the aroma of perfume that takes men’s breath away. She’s very enduring, cheerful, caring, feminine and extremely optimistic. Unfortunately, this Georgian girl doesn’t have time to think about higher education, but her inner culture comes to rescue. These Georgian brides are in a constant search for happiness. They are easy to get in touch with. You just have to offer instant messaging for her, and she will be online around the clock.
You can meet such a bride on Georgian dating sites as well. Household duties are not burdensome for her, and she’s happy to clean up and pamper her family with new dishes. The house is the project of her life. This Georgian bride knows how to save money, she’s always talkative and kind, no matter what happens. Such a woman respects men and will see an absolute master in her husband. You’d better use mobile chat service for communicating with this bride.
What are the differences between Georgian and European brides?
Let’s review the principle features of these two types of ladies.
A European bride:
- Marries and divorces for many times; the number of trials doesn’t matter for her;
- Works, raises her children and runs the household;
- Goes in for sports actively to preserve her slim figure;
- Looks quite pale without makeup on her face, for cosmetics creates her whole image; when in an evening dress with diamonds, she looks gorgeous;
- Prefers a comfortable relax to the participation in political demonstrations in the bitter wind;
- Can work as a bartender, saleswoman, stylist, artist, guide or cooper in a restaurant.
A Georgian bride:
- Gets married when she’s a young charmer or when she’s over 30, but she has to be virgin;
- Almost never goes to work but can keep the household quite well;
- Just keeps to a diet; there are always some green and vegetables on her table;
- Looks fresh and attractive without any makeup and is just fascinating with a bit of cosmetics on her face; with her face painted, she can even eclipse the beauty of a European lady that wears diamonds;
- Is always ready to join the ranks of the protestants and will defend her beloved husband, children and motherland with her breast;
- Regards the following professions as appropriate ones: bank operator, beautician, saleswoman, teacher, nanny; other options are undesirable for her.
Of course, all these differences shouldn’t be taken too seriously, but there is a kernel of truth in every joke!

3 amazing facts about Georgians
- Tinatin Babluani, 18-years-old Georgian model who became Miss Planet-2015, said that she wants to destroy the stereotype about beautiful girls as narrow-minded dummies. Tinatin decided not to rest on her laurels but to enter the International Black Sea University and master the speciality of a business manager.
- Georgians are the most popular party girls in Moscow. Musia Totibadze, the singer, is one of them. She’s a classical example of style of the young ladies from Georgia. Long hair, no makeup and tom boy clothes are main components of her image. Keti Topuria is another Georgian it-girl who came to her graceful style through trial, error and some plastic operations.
- According to Georgian customs, a woman doesn’t take her husband’s surname. It’s because there is a tradition in this country to nourish and cherish one’s family name, and a marriage is no hindrance to it. Children are usually given father’s surname, that’s why mothers and children in Georgian families have different surnames.
For many foreign men, Georgia is associated with a beautiful sunny kingdom. Crowds of tourists go there every day. During the first visit they are fascinated with fantastic mountain views. For the second time, they are attracted by the charming brides of this country. Who can resist this image of a southern lady with such a noble soul?
- Last updated: 10 Oct 2019
- Author: AAbrides