Tips on how to write a dating profile

Online dating has already gained great momentum – in 2017 in the US, 19% of all people who got married this year met each other online (that’s more than 17% of those who met each other through friends and 15% who met in college). So it is highly important to make your dating profile catchy to make other people spot you, as you see that there is big competition online. In this article, we’re generating some perfect tips on how to write a profile for a dating site to help you out.
You have to take a good profile picture
How to create a dating profile? A good profile picture is essential, as over 80% of people on dating apps like Tinder, Raya, Bumble, Match, OkCupid or Hinge don’t even want to open profiles without pictures. We will highlight a few dos and don’ts in this matter to avoid the biggest mistakes.
Dos in how to make a dating profile
- Upload a picture – this is point #1 in the online dating profile help
- Make it give a full understanding of your real look. Remove glasses if you don’t wear them, don’t wear clothes that you usually don’t.
- Select a picture that represents your activities, hobbies, interests. If you wear office costumes all the time – it would be a bad idea to post a pic of you in shorts and near the river, where you have been to just once or twice in your life.
- Select a picture where you smile, as it attracts the bigger audience. Or don’t if you are rather a gloomy person, not positive.
Don’ts in a dating profile
- Do not make people think who you are not. If you have some awesome pic where you stand on a surfboard but you only did it for fun and never surf actually, do not post it online as other people may be looking specifically for surfers to surf with them.
- If you picture yourself under a bad angle, light, or blurred, a person coming to the first date with you will be disappointed, as you look nothing like in pic.
- If you’re using too much Photoshop to heighten yourself, this will be discovered at the real date, making it become your first and last date with that person.
Write about yourself to rise a genuine interest
Writing is another most important thing that gives insight into who you are. Mind how to describe yourself concisely, sincerely, and truthfully. Do not include white lies to your text, as this will be discovered anyway, making any your potential relationship end.
Give an idea of who you are
- The best dating profile advice is to tell sincerely who you are and what you do. If you love to sail and travel, say about it – this will cause genuine interest in those who share your passions and will filter out those who don’t.
- Tell what you like to tell, not what other people would like to hear. Eventually, you’re looking for your match here and aren’t on this dating app/site to please everyone.
- Only describe yourself in words that totally describe you and you don’t have doubts about each word you’re using to do it. For instance, it’s good to say you’re open-minded, like to travel, and love babies. But it is bad to say that you’re proactive/spontaneous. What these actually mean in real life? That you’re going to buy 5 extra packs of toilet paper (proactive) or jump out of the window if it rains (spontaneous)? Forget those dumb-and-ridiculous definitions.
- Register on more than one dating place. Remember that classic ‘dating sites’ are increasingly lesser effective compared to dating apps like Tinder, Facebook, or Hinge, which are installed on tonnes of smartphones each month.
Tell people who you want to meet
- During creating a dating profile, tell your desires to the future partner. Focus on personality traits over the characteristics of the body or a person. For instance, say that you’re looking for a person who values active pastime and takes good care of own health instead of saying you’re looking for a fit person. Indicating an ‘active-pastime person’ in your search will demonstrate that you’re interested in personality, style of life, and character of a person you wanna be with while indicating you’re searching for someone fit will rather say you’re focused on superficial things like the look of a person instead of a process of achieving it through the life focus. Also, the same applies to look for a match based on the color of hair, weight, height, education, social status, job, car, and financial status – these all are superficial telling nothing about a person you’re actually trying to find. However, do indicate those if you are that superficial and only want to be with a photo not with a real somebody. What to put on a dating profile is solely your decision.
- Remember that you’re looking for a match and thus, you should be opened to find one. If you say that you’re heavily focused on a career, don’t have time for kids now or tell the list of why peopleshould not contact you, what the hell are you looking for in a dating app?
A dating profile tip #1: add some bait
One of the answers to how to make a good dating profile is to include in your profile something that will allow people potentially interested in you to start a conversation with you. What to say in a dating profile? For instance, that you’re planning a trip to Europe this year to visit some awesome sightseeing spots, try the local wine, and eventually, try the real cheese. This will give so many hookups for people what to say to you (which will make them overcome possible hesitation they might have not knowing how to approach you). This revelation of yours will give them such information:
- You wanna go travel and they might wanna join
- You like to travel, so there are so many opportunities to ask you about where you have already been and what did you like
- You love wine and cheese
- You’re open to new opportunities and meetings, which are met in travels.
Proof read your profile to avoid mistakes and inconsistencies
One of the biggest reasons why people close someone’s profile after opening it is spelling and grammar. How to write a dating profile nicely? One or two lousy mistakes can spoil the entire picture of you and misfire the total dating profile, which you might have been creating for so long. When you compose your profile from scratch, there are so many movable parts and seams, which make the picture integrated.
Tips on how to write a dating profile for a woman
- To attract men, attach a catchy picture, which not only shows your beauty but also attracts an eye. Hook up the attention right at once.
- Make sure you’re looking across all pics with the same color of your hair and brows as you don’t want the discrepancy between the online and real colors of your hair to spoil the first impression of your potential date so to concentrate on the color instead of your awesome personality all evening. The same goes for piercing and tattoos – if you have them, show them. If you don’t (anymore) – don’t show.
- Tell something about you, your interests, job, hobby. Make sure to tell discreetly, so as not to bore a male visitor.
Tips for guys on how to make a good dating profile
Post pictures in clothes usual for you or that you wear most time. If you are a beekeeper, then do not appear in trunks standing in water. If you’re an army guy, don’t post a ‘clubbing all night’ pic. If you work in the office and serious all the time, don’t post a pic as you wore clown apparel and a silly nose as a single chance in a lifetime.
Conclusion about online dating profile tips – the general dos and don’ts
So, here is the professional generalization on how to write a good dating profile:
- Post pic, as people love to open profiles with pics
- Bio tips: don’t lie about anything in your bio, skills, work, social status…
- Represent who you are, tell it openly
- Focus on the character of a person, not characteristics.
Eventually, spend time to make 2, 3 or even 4 readings of what you have just done to make sure you’re looking appealing from all sides. Maybe, during this, you will want to change something or everything in your profile. This is also a good point.
- Last updated: 11 Mar 2020
- Author: AAbrides